We are having a respite tops down, breeze blowing, bees and birds frantic in the last of the season's possibilities. Roses are budding one last gasp delicate pink and brilliant red shocking against turning trees. We are having a respite the smiles and children screaming leave echoes along the sidewalks looping back and back in an endless, sweet cacaphony of summer's end.
There is a practice of generosity at my new place of work. People will come in with food and leave it on the table, or add a little treasure from the back of a closet to the perpetual pile in the break room. People share fruit and pets and even, often, time.
It is a good practice. Ever since Jesus with the loaves and the fishes, and stretching back before him into antiquity, sharing has been a holy act, a communal act, an act of creation.With joy we assume an abundance that generates abundance; we bring the sacred into our every day. I am learning, I am practicing, and I am lucky.