grasshopper prayer

pay attention all day

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

zeros and ones

Sometimes existing structures change themselves to work better. This is good.

MSN, for example, seems to have self-improved quite by accident. (It will surprise no one to hear that I'm not sure they could have done it on purpose). For an assortment of reasons I have been using the actual MSN client of late, and not always Trillian, a multi-service client by Cerulean Studios. I like Trillian, but some things work better in the original.

When someone is Away or Idle, MSN says, "[user's name] may not respond because he or she appears to be offline (or away from the computer or whatever)". In use, this comes out thus: "Mary may not respond because he or she appears to be offline."

I like this.

Who says Mary is female, or uses "she"? The computer doesn't know, care, or discriminate. Yay for that.

Sometimes binary code is the fairest of them all. I knew I liked computers for a reason.