grasshopper prayer

pay attention all day

Monday, December 06, 2004

good(?) vibrations

My apartment is shaking. Not, I note, a little lightweight sort of shake. More like a vibrating bed in one of those motel rooms from when I was a kid, the kind that cost a quarter and then the whole bed jiggled back and forth. That kind of shaking. Sometimes it's more of a vibration. Sometimes it feels like a giant got frustrated and stomped her foot right next door. Really, it's just the construction on the museum across the street, but I think my stories are much more interesting. Today it's almost like sitting in a massage chair, only it's the whole building that's going.

I have two things to say. One: maybe I should charge admission.
Two: it's a good thing there's no crystal in this house.

I wonder what it's like for the people who work on the project. I also wonder when it will be done.